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Did you know that your jaw and pelvic floor are connected? How can this be if they are at opposite ends of the spine, I hear you ask?


Because of EXACTLY that!


Your spine.


Around day 15 of gestation, your tiny little embryo is creating parts of it mouth and also parts of its urinary, reproductive and digestive tracts that remain linked through your baby’s spine even as they grow further apart.


When we are stressed or angry about something, we tend to clench our jaw shut, possibly even grind our teeth. We can consciously feel tension throughout our bodies in our neck and shoulders when we do this, and we may even find that we clench our fists too. However, it is also incredible (and important!) to know that it is a normal physiologic reaction for your buttocks and vagina to also clench tightly when your jaw is tense. Do you see where I am going with this?


By learning how to keep your jaw relaxed throughout your surges will allow you to soften and release your pelvic floor muscles aiding in an easy and more comfortable birth for you. It can actually be a really pleasant feeling to relax both these parts of your body at the same time. They key to doing this successfully throughout labour however, is to practice doing these exercises so often throughout your pregnancy that you do it subconsciously and it just becomes a part of your every day. Top tip: Get your birth partner to remind you to relax your jaw if they notice any tension in your face or if they notice your fists clenching.


You can relax your jaw by gently placing your tongue behind your top upper teeth and allowing your bottom jaw to open naturally or another great way is to take a deep breath in and gently blow out through pursed lips (like you’re blowing through the tiny hole in polo mint!) How does that feel?


Relaxation is absolutely key to more comfortable birth, both in mind and body, and learning how to relax your pelvic floor (instead of just strengthening it!) will really benefit you come labour day. ♡


Drawing - @little_Isquiz


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