So, I have been keeping myself busy since July, getting to grips with a new diploma I am completing, slowly but surely.
It’s all a bit exciting!
Since having my own children and working with women pre-birth, I often find that once their baby has been born, they are just left to it, more often than not confined to four walls inside their homes. Loneliness kicks in, as does self-doubt. It’s not necessarily guidance they need, but more of an understanding of their hormones and what actually happens to their bodies and brains post birth. Even just having someone to lend an ear could make all the difference.
I know that I, for sure, felt very alone after my first baby was born. I didn’t even want to go to the bathroom and leave her side, for the fear that something might happen to her.
The baby blues took me by complete surprise, and I had no idea how milky, sweaty and tired I was going to be, and don’t even get me started about postnatal hair loss!
So, whilst on my maternity leave, I decided to delve into ‘The First 1001 Days’ diploma course by Blossom and Berry. The first 1001 days (from conception until 2 years of age) are critical in giving parents and babies the best start in life. Once I have qualified, I will be able to help support parents and babies with education on infant and maternal mental health, the importance of relaxation and forming close connected relationships and I will be able to provide continuity of nurturing care throughout the first 1001 days!
The continuity of care is what I am all about. To be able to teach you antenatal and hypnobirthing classes, pregnancy relaxation sessions and then be able to follow through with nurturing touch for your new-borns, going into baby massage and baby yoga. Keeping you all connected is going to make all the difference to your wellbeing pre and post birth. Baby massage is so much more than just a little rub here and there by the way. There is so much science behind it and so much thorough research to prove that love and touch really does make a baby’s brain grow!
I will become an expert in helping you if your baby has colic, which I know can be extremely tiresome for many new parents (possibly an understatement!) and I will run special sessions for this, which come highly recommended.
Every session you attend will not just be about your baby. It will be about YOU and your baby, or even just you. There is so much focus on our babies and us parents get left behind, but I completely understand that we need mothering too. We need love also and we definitely need to be heard.
Equilibrium and Equilibrium Birthing will soon become Equilibrium Mother and Baby Wellness (or Equilibrium PARENT and Baby Wellness.) I haven’t quite decided yet.
Stay tuned for that one!
There will be plenty of case studies coming up by the way (wahey! A freebie!) and I just cannot wait to expand my knowledge to help you and your families feel more connected to each other.
#mother #motherandbaby #baby #parent #parenting #wellness #babymassage #babyyoga #maternal #mentalhealth #colic #touch #love #nurturingtouch #pregnant #pregnancy #balance #blossomandberrybabymassage #lovecreateslove #growingbabiesandbusinesseswithlove