Tonight is CLASS TWO which means...Relaxation and Breathing techniques! . My couples LOVE this class because they begin to understand why these two things are so important and beneficial throughout labour and birth, and indeed throughout pregnancy too. Relaxation and deep breathing are going to become your best friends ladies and gentlemen. . It's all very well learning how to do these techniques but understanding the reason WHY is the real key to success. . Tonights techniques include: - Progressive relaxation throughout each and every one of the muscle groups in the body (my personal favourite.)
- Deep breathing for when you experience any surge sensations within the body (the BEST technique and most used from my couples!) - Countdown to your relaxing place where you can let your mind wonder and be distracted by any sensations you may be feeling. This incorporates very elongated breaths, which allow you to deeply relax and optimise oxygen levels to you and to your baby. . Sound good? Would you like to book on? . Taking bookings for May antenatal/hypnobirthing classes now. . Limited to 5 couples. . #sevenoakshypnobirthing #sevenoaksantenatal